version stringPossible values: [3 , 4 , 5 ] |
id string |
name string |
groups object[]id string | title string | graphCoordinates object | blocks undefined[] |
edges object[]id string | from objectgroupId string | blockId string | itemId string |
| to objectgroupId string | blockId string |
variables object[]id string | name string | value |
theme objectgeneral objectfont string | background objecttype stringPossible values: [Color , Image , None ] | content string |
| chat objecthostAvatar objectisEnabled boolean | url string |
| guestAvatar objectisEnabled boolean | url string |
| hostBubbles objectbackgroundColor string | color string |
| guestBubbles objectbackgroundColor string | color string |
| buttons objectbackgroundColor string | color string |
| inputs objectbackgroundColor string | color string | placeholderColor string |
| roundness stringPossible values: [none , medium , large ] |
| customCss string |
selectedThemeTemplateId string |
settings objectgeneral objectisBrandingEnabled boolean | isTypingEmulationEnabled boolean | isInputPrefillEnabled boolean | isHideQueryParamsEnabled boolean | isNewResultOnRefreshEnabled boolean | rememberUser objectisEnabled boolean | storage stringPossible values: [session , local ] |
| typingEmulation objectenabled boolean | speed number | maxDelay number |
| metadata objecttitle string | description string | imageUrl string | favIconUrl string | customHeadCode string | googleTagManagerId string |
| whatsApp objectisEnabled boolean | startCondition objectlogicalOperator stringPossible values: [OR , AND ] | comparisons object[]id string | comparisonOperator stringPossible values: [Equal to , Not equal , Contains , Does not contain , Greater than , Less than , Is set , Is empty , Starts with , Ends with , Matches regex , Does not match regex ] | value string |
| sessionExpiryTimeout numberPossible values: 0.01 ≤ value ≤ 48 Expiration delay in hours after latest interaction |
createdAt date-time |
updatedAt date-time |
icon string |
folderId string |
publicId string |
customDomain string |
workspaceId string |
resultsTablePreferences objectcolumnsOrder string[] | columnsVisibility object | columnsWidth object |
isArchived boolean |
isClosed boolean |
whatsAppPhoneNumberId string |
whatsAppCredentialsId string |